So, today's dish will be kind of a tribute to my adolescence!
(dose to your liking, here is for 2 persons)
4 potatoes
1 onion
2 garlic cloves
EVO oil
1. Slice mushrooms and cook till golden colour with garlic cloves (cut into halves), salt and EVO oil.
2. In the meanwhile, peel potatoes and slice them with the use of a mandolina. Slice the onion the same way.
3. In a glass/ ceramic pot spread couple of spoons of mayonnaise and start arranging 1/4th of potato slices in a layer, spread some more mayonnaise over the potato layer, then distribute some mushrooms.
5. Arrange one more layer of potato, then mayo, then onion rings, pepper and chopped rosemary.
6. One more layer of potato slices - mayonnaise - mushrooms (you can add some more onions if you want to).
7. Last layer will be: potato - onions - rosemary and pepper - mayo (in order to have a nice and golden colour of the top and not to burn onion rings).
8. Cover with a aluminum foil and cook for about 30 minutes at 220C, then uncover and finish cooking to have a nice crisps on top. This is what you'll have at the end. Sorry for the burnt sides of the pot, but you cannot avoid it....
Here I served the potatos with the sautèed chicory and Roasted Pork Loin (check for a post HERE) as a suggestion :-)
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