Sunday, 24 February 2013

Parsley - Excellent way of preserving....

Hello there, today I'd like to share with you how I preserve nice and fresh parsley. These tricky people from the supermarket always pack the quantity of the fresh herbs that excesses considerably your necessity for cooking... So the most of the herbs stays in your fridge till it fades.... Poor thing....
Easy busy.... You just need washed fresh herbs and some aluminum foil, that's it.

1. Cut aluminum foil in squares
2. Wash the herbs (I had parsley)
3. Arrange only the leaves in bunches

4. Roll them in the foil
5. Place the rolls in your fridge and keep them till you need some fresh herbs.

6. IMPORTANT: Do not defrost the herb before cutting, if you chop the frozen herbs, you will be able to chop them into really small pieces

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