You won't need many ingredients and the preparation won't take much time, so this recipe can become your "save the dinner" dish!
Servings: 2
160-200g fresh fettuccine
150g peeled shrimps
2 garlic cloves
5tbs EVO oil
1. Boil water for pasta, salt it and start cooking your fetuccine half time that is indicated on the pack.
Note: Minimum 1 litre of water for each 100g of pasta.
2. Meanwhile wash zucchini and cut them into disks, 0.7-0.8 cm thick.
3. Pour some EVO oil into a frying pan and and add some chilli to taste and 2 garlic cloves without the skin, cut into halves.
4. Add zucchini disks to the oil and fry them both sides till a nice golden colour.
5. Transfer fried zucchini to a large plate, do not salt them as they may release their juice and become too watery.
6. In the same pan pour some water from pasta and add drained fettuccine.
7. Add peeled shrimps and cook till pasta is almost ready, if it gets too dry add some more water.
8. If you prefer the sauce to be a bit more "sticky" you may add half a teaspoon of Roux.
Note: "Roux" in cooking slang means a mix of butter and flour used to thicken sauces. You may read more about Roux HERE.
9. When past is ready add fried zucchini and mix well, add salt if needed as you didn't salt zucchini...
Buon Appetito!!!