So, this one I prepared especially for her and the family...
There are two points of view about the method of the Cheesecake preparation: those who think that the baked ones are better and those, like me, who prefer "no bake" recipe!!
Cheesecake is one of my favourite cakes and I try to vary the ingredients: this one is no bake banana and strawberries!
Servings: 8
200ml whipping cream
300g Philadelphia cheese
150g Greek yogurt
2 medium bananas
14g gelatine
400g strawberries
6-8 tbs sugar
some mint leaves
Note: I used the Italian almond cookies called "Cantucci", but you may use any short-breads you have.
2. Melt butter in microwave till it's liquid.
3. Mix biscuit crumbs with melted butter.
4. Use a spring-form mould, 20cm in diameter, cut a circle out of baking paper that perfectly fit in it. This facilitate the cake removal later.
So, I used the serving dish that I chose for the cake and dressed the ring bottom with baking paper as I said before.
5.Put the biscuits to the ring / mould and using a spoon or a small glass press it to the bottom to create a base about 1cm think.
6. Refrigerate the cake base for the time you prepare the cream.
8. Peel bananas and process them with yogurt.
9. Keep one third of the mix in the blender glass and transfer the rest to a big bowl.
10. Add Philadelphia cheese to the blender with banana puree and process it all together.
Note: This time I used low fat Philadelphia...
11. Add the cheese mix to banana in the bowl and mix well with a spatula or just a tablespoon.
12. Whip the cream and add some sugar if needed.
Note: I usually try to avoid using whipping cream as my husband is intolerant to some of dairy products, so in this recipe I substituted whipping cream for sweetened vegetable cream with the same result.
13. Add whipped cream to the cheese and banana mix and using a spatula (tablespoon) integrate it well with the down to up movements.
14. Try the cheese cream and add 3-4 tbs of sugar if you like it sweeter.
Note: I usually go by taste in this recipe.
15. Squeeze gelatine sheets to remove the water and put them in a small bowl. Melt gelatin in a microwave oven for about 25-30 seconds.
16. Whisk melted gelatin into the cream mix.
17. Cut 12 small strawberries into halves.
18. Display strawberries leaned to the mould sides with the same distance one from the other.
19. Pour the cream into the mould that you removed from the fridge. Refrigerate for the time you prepare the strawberry mousse.
20. Process strawberries with 3-4 tbs of sugar to have a smooth mousse. Keep the most beautiful from the medium strawberries for decoration.
21. Squeeze and melt 6g of gelatin as described earlier.
22. Incorporate gelatin into strawberry mousse.
23. Pour strawberry mousse into the cake mould over the banana cream that already set a little.
24. Cover the mould with a plastic foil and refrigerate the cake overnight.
25. Take the cake out of the mould: to do so you may either try opening the spring-form carefully taking care of not breaking the cake side, or if the cake doesn't want to come out of the mould you may use a hot knife and carefully pass it over the cake's edge.
26. Decorate your cheesecake with strawberries that you kept and some mint leaves.
ENJOY !!!!!
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