To fix the roll I used large Prosciutto crudo slices, but it is also possible to use Speck (smoked cold-cured ham) or Pancetta (cold-cures bacon) or even some fat ham. Make a try and tell me about the result.
As for the asparagus, it is better to use the thick ones but it's not prohibited to improvise and use the wild asparagus that is much thinner, the weight doesn't just the number will be different: use 5-6 asparagus spears to fill in your fish rolls.
Servings: 4
800g fish fillet (Perch, Cod, Pangasius...)
large prosciutto crudo slices (same number as fish fillets)
2 garlic cloves
EVO oil
Note: Fish fillets I had were 200g each, so I served them one per portion, if the fish fillet you have is too big cut it to have more long slices, about 200g each.
1. Wash fish fillets and dab them with paper towels.
2. Peel two thirds of the asparagus spear and cut the upper part.
Note: Asparagus points should be slightly longer than the width of the fish fillets.
3. Salt the fish fillets and put some asparagus points over the fish, the very points outside.
4. Roll the fish fillets and slightly salt the outer side.
5. Put the roll over a Prosciutto slice: the end of the fillet in the middle of the slice, wrap the rolls in Prosciutto slices.
6. Fix the ends of the Prosciutto slices with the toothpicks.
7. Heat 3-4tbs of EVO oil in a frying pan and add garlic cloves cleaned and cut into halves. Slightly fry the garlic.
8. Put the rolls in the pan and sprinkle with some chilli. Cover with a lid and cook at middle heat for 5-7 minutes each side, depending on the size of the rolls.
9. Remove the lid and brown the rolls a bit.
10. While the rolls are cooking, boil the peeled parts of asparagus in very little water for about 8-10 minutes till asparagus is soft.
11. Mash asparagus with some salt and EVO oil to produce a smooth and soft pure.
Note: You may add some of the asparagus water to delute the asparagus puree.
12. Serve some asparagus puree as a sauce base for the rolls: pour couple of tablespoons of puree on a plate and rotate the spoon to make a nice circle of the sauce.
Looks and sounds delicious! Thank you!