Servings: 2
160g rice
250-300g pumpkin
radicchio (red chicory) salad
1/2 small onion
50ml white wine
veg stock
600ml water
EVO oil
Parmigiano cheese
2. Add fresh sausages that you broke into small pieces and cook for a couple of minutes.
3. Cut pumpkin into medium cubes and add it to the sausage, mix well.
4. Add rice, mix well and let the rice absorb the oil and liquids of the sausage mix.
5. Splash with some white wine and let the alcohol evaporate.
6. Add about a glass of hot water and a 1/2 of vegetable stock. It's better to add water gradually while cooking risotto, it permits the starch to come out of the rice grains and so risotto will result in being creamier.
7. Keep cooking, stirring well and adding more water when needed.
8. After about 15 minute the rice will be almost ready. So chop Radicchio salad leaves into fine stripes and add them to the rice. Stir well.
9. Cook for 3-5 more minutes.
10. Switch the heat and add a hand-full of grated Parmigiano cheese.
Note: This is called "mantecatura" in Italian, that means mixing and seasoning all together. When you add Parmigiano to your risotto do it after you switch off the heat, as if you keep the heat on, the cheese will melt and become filamentary. and it will spoil the creaminess of the dish.
Serve with some additional Parmigiano on top. Buon Appetito!!!
Miam Risotto !! l'adoro !!